Please read the information below carefully to help you put together a great application. It is also important to read the full Terms of Reference before proceeding. If you have any queries, please email: tim@norfolkriverstrust.org
The 2025 application window is now closed.
Enabling communities who experience barriers to accessing the countryside to enjoy visits to Norfolk’s natural spaces.
Understanding what steps can be taken to support a more diverse range of people to enjoy the Norfolk landscape.
Who can apply:
Voluntary community organisation, club, or group with a bank account
Registered charity
Charitable incorporated organisation (CIO)
Not-for-profit company
Community interest company (CIC)
Community benefit society
Who cannot apply:
Sole traders
Organisations based outside the UK
One organisation applying on behalf of another
Companies that pay profits to directors, shareholders or members (including Companies Limited by Shares)
We can fund:
Equipment, materials and clothing
Guide leaders
One-off events/room-bookings
Staff/consultant costs related to the project
Training costs
Entrance fees/parking costs
Volunteer expenses
We cannot fund:
Contingency costs, loans, endowments or interest
Profit-making or fundraising activities
VAT you can reclaim
Statutory activities
Political activities
Any items or staff costs unrelated to your project
The minimum amount you can apply for is £150 and maximum is £1500; all applications between these figures will be considered. Please outline your costs using the table in the application form. When planning what you might need to buy or use, please consider the most sustainable options.
Please note that funds may not reach the account of successful applicants until early February 2025, and the total amount must be spent by 01 November 2025. Any funds that cannot be spent due to unforeseen circumstances will require additional agreement (e.g., an extension) or will need to be returned to Norfolk Rivers Trust.
The deadline for applications is midnight on Tuesday 31 December 2024. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact Norfolk Rivers Trust by Tuesday 17 December 2024.
Successful applicants will be notified that they have been awarded funding by email on or before Monday 10 February 2025. Further information will include: an outline of the next steps and payment process, as well as any additional documentation that may be required.
Unsuccessful applicants will be notified that they have not been awarded funding by email on or before Monday 10 February 2025.
Successful applicants can expect their money to be received by the end of February 2025.
Project spend/visits can start in March 2025. Budget must be spent/visits undertaken by 01 November 2025.
To ensure all applications are assessed fairly, a panel made up of experts, with experience in business, nature recovery, and access and diversity in the countryside, will help shortlist successful applicants using a scoring matrix.
As part of the funding agreement, we require successful applicants to complete a post-visit survey.
This can be completed online or over the phone.
Depending on what you want to do, your project might need:
Public liability insurance and risk assessments.
Safeguarding policy (if working with children or vulnerable adults).
Leaders or instructors with specialist qualifications.
Please note, we are not responsible for ensuring that you have met these measures.
Your visit/s can take place anywhere within the county of Norfolk. The following suggestions give a taste of the walks and activities in Norfolk:
West Acre - site of River Nar Restoration Project
Norfolk Rivers Trust: Please get in contact with tim@norfolkriverstrust.org if you are interested in guided walks or group volunteering activities linked to NRT’s work as part of your application.*
Wildlife in Norfolk and Discover and Learn - Please get in contact with wild@norfolkwildlifetrust.org.uk or phone 01603 598333 if you are interested in visiting Norfolk Wildlife Trust sites.
*Please note, there are limited opportunities available. Due to the location of sites, this option might not yet be suitable for people with some physical disabilities.
The Terms of Reference can be accessed here. It is important to read this before proceeding.
Please complete the application form and use this guidance to help you fill out all the necessary sections. There is also an option to complete the form over the phone.
Email or phone Tim on tim@norfolkriverstrust.org / 07538 720515.
Applications must be received by midnight on Tuesday 31 December 2024.
To learn more about the fund and the application process, sign up to one of our webinars by emailing tim@norfolkriverstrust.org
Wednesday 13th November 2024.
Wednesday 11th December 2024.
Helaina Parkinson
Helaina Parkinson